Our Story.


How it started…Back in 2016, Int’l Girls Ensemble co-founder’s Amanda and Jacqueline, volunteered along with friends from their alma mater at a migrant center for Myanmar refugees in Northwest Thailand. As actors and teaching artists they were excited to share their skills with the students at the school, Thoo Mweh Khee. After 10 days of drama class and a female empowerment for the girls and women in the community; Amanda and Jacqueline had an idea. What started as a volunteer trip turned into a mission and 501c3 called Int’l Girls Ensemble.


Girls and Women internationally deserve accessibility and equal rights, we believe it takes a global effort to instill change in the world.


Globally women and girls have been fighting for equity since the beginning of time. The disparity between men and women in many parts of the world is jarring. By elevating girls and women’s voices and access to education we will help to elevate all communities.


IGE defines ensemble as a team on the stage, by building ensemble, we are building community. This helps to create safety, connection and positive growth.